Merry Christmas Leaders
As we embark on yet another year, we first stop by the notable seasonal holiday of Christmas. Christmas is nothing less than the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, Emmanuel, God with us. Christians celebrate this blessed event as a Holy Day. Christmas has always been more than gift giving, but this holiday does not escape gift giving either. When Jesus Christ was born he was presented with gifts. Likewise, we also give gifts. Sometimes we really need to remember we are special and that someone does care for us. Gifts remind us that we are special and worthy to receive. On the other hand, let us not forget the best gift we could possibly receive is the birth of our Savior who came as a babe. The importance of Christmas is to remind each of us, that we too are special enough to have God bless us with His Only Son, Jesus Christ to carry the sins of the world and bring repentance to mankind.
While I would like to say Merry Christmas to you, I have noticed it has become less popular to do so. Instead, we are convinced to say Happy Holidays. The strange thing is that Holiday used to mean Holy Day (Old Oxford Dictionary), but now it is defined as a day people get off of work, according to In any event, I would like to encourage leaders to say, “Merry Christmas” and purposefully include Christ as the central point of this holiday once more.
Merry Christmas & thank you for reading my blog!
There is much more to come in the following year.