Following Un-Ethical Leadership
Doing what is right is really not that difficult, but for some it may be a challenge. Seeking to do the wrong thing is not something that happens immediately. We are often swayed by our own fears, rather than simply doing what is wrong. The wrong thing is often a quick solution to something that really requires work. The solution may seem simple at first, but in reality it is often unraveled into a web of deceit and corruption, which can include loss of family, friends and may at times lead to imprisonment.
Human nature tends to look for the quick solution to a problem, but we must be careful as leaders not to take short-cuts. Followers seek out those who display characteristics, which are honorable. Most everyone wants to serve with ethical leaders. People do not search for workplaces and leaders who have bad ethics. A person knows if they work for a leader with bad ethics they may eventually be mistreated, as the leader walks over the follower to gain success.
Genesis 4:7
You will be accepted if you do what is right. But if you refuse to do what is right, then watch out! Sin is crouching at the door, eager to control you. But you must subdue it and be its master.